
Why do you need
- When an organization looks at creating, deploying, and leveraging IoT technology to drive its business, security must be integrated into every component to minimize the risk of cyber-threats.
- This is important due to the escalating volume of cyber-threats and the increasing regulatory requirements.
- The growth of unmanaged devices and the fragmented (siloed) security systems create a fertile ground for attacks.
- The cost of an attack, in foregone revenue, expenses, and increased insurance premiums is high and difficult to absorb.
- The legal ramifications and reputation loss after an incident may be devastating.
- In addition, increasing security concerns like software vulnerabilities and cyberattacks can make many customers refrain from using IoT devices.
- This puts enormous pressure to companies enabling, developing, and supplying IoT and Industrial IoT solutions, to offer security enhancements.
What is
SaaS for IoT network Safeguard
iotshield captures data on the overall state of an industrial system, including endpoint devices and connectivity traffic and its algorithms automate the process of analyzing network (IT) and operational (OT) data.
B2B Customers
Our Machine Learning (ML) algorithms help them deliver better services to their customers in Industrial Control Systems, Building Management Systems, Smart City Platforms, or even Home Automation by incorporating an additional layer of security they never could have developed themselves. At the same time, we enable the end users to understand and control their systems and production lines in a more secure way, thus realizing financial gains.
Intrusion and Anomaly Detection
By using a variety of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence techniques, we are able to examine the network and application, recognize anomalous behavior and offer attack, misuse, malfunction, or failure detection.
Once a problem is detected, a broad range of actions can be executed (such as revoking device credentials or quarantining an IoT device). The result is an adaptable solution that helps the end customer to save time and money, following quick and targeted detection of issues.
Platform and Application Integration
Shield your System!
Contact iotshield
Solution Characteristics
The iotshield
Hardware agnostic
Our SaaS approach means that we can run anywhere, especially in devices with limited resources.
Unlike many solutions dealing with legacy internet protocols, iotshield
Fast and Accurate
Handles Mutliple Data Streams
IT and OT
Operates equally well on data from Operational Technology (i.e the machines and the physical processes) and Information Technology (i.e network and data management).
Dynamic and Adaptable
Uses Intelligent techniques that can be upgraded and adapted to different IoT network settings
Maintains data confidentiality and customer operations privacy
About us
Our Story
Our Founders

Dr. Christiana Ioannou
Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Vasos Vassiliou
Co-founder, Chief Science Officer
Christis Christoforou
Co-founder, Chief Executive OfficerJoin our Team
Partners and Supporters
Contact Us
Plateia Dimarchias 23, Nicosia 1016, CYPRUS
+357 22747575 (c/o Vasos Vassiliou, Smart Networked Systems MRG)